(In Celebrating Women's Month)

"Motherhood is the highest and
most challenging vocation a woman can aspire to."
The mothers of today's Extreme Teen Leaders are a special kind of moms. They see the greatness, the awesomeness, and the pure possibility in their student leaders. These moms have seen a generation of teenagers who are developing themselves personally and creating a team that is called to do something great. And they're making the investment today, to secure their student leaders ability to weather the storms of life because they know that the biggest storms come after they’ve flown the nest. These moms are raising student leaders with wisdom and ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed.
These Moms have nurtured and supported their children as they balanced an intense academic workload with a busy schedule of extracurricular activities.
I have seen our Moms taking on their own personal development to ensure they are taking care of their own life challenges to show up as the best Mom for their children. As a mom of five, it is such a blessing to be a part of each family's journey.
These Moms continue to face their own unique challenges as they've helped their teens navigate through adolescence and into young adulthood. They've cheered on their teens as they've taken on new challenges and celebrated their successes along the way.
This tribute is to the mothers of graduates who are members of Extreme Teen Leaders. I truly believe in giving Moms their flowers while they are still here to enjoy them. Today, I am sending you all flowers. Well deserved.
We embrace you with love, and hope that as you continue to empty your cups to fill the cups of those you love…that someone also fills yours and honors you for the beauty you bring to the lives of all of our Extreme Teen Leaders. If it were not for your guidance and love, where would they be?
Thank you for your never-ending support and for always being there for your children. Even when they're at their worst, you see their magnificence. Thank you for helping them discover their potential and unleash it in the world. Thank you for training them to be powerful leaders and for always being the last one standing in their corner when everyone else is nowhere to be found.
Happy Women’s Day Month, Year, Decade, Forever