January 7

Extreme Goal Getters Challenge

"The discovery of one's WHY is the beginning of a life-long journey to bring significance to their life. We often set out on this journey of life with no real clue as to why we are here..."

- Allan Pease

It's easy to forget to set goals for yourself in the new year. You can find yourself living in the moment and not setting any goals for yourself. But if you don't set goals for yourself, you'll never know what you want to do with your life. You'll never know what direction you want to set for your life. When you live your life without setting goals, you're actually in limbo. You're stuck in a state where you're uncertain what direction you want to go in. Being in this state can cause you to feel stressed and like you are driving in circles going nowhere fast. Setting goals is a way to get some direction in your life. It's easy to forget to set goals for yourself. You can find yourself living in the moment and not setting any goals for yourself. But if you don't set goals for yourself, you'll never know what you want to do with your life. You'll never know what you want to. It makes it easy to determine what you want to do. If you don’t know where you want to go, how can you get there??

Goals can be set in every domain of your life, such as: Social, Health and Physical, Finance and Money, Community, Spiritual and Core Values, Academics and Career, Personal Development, and Extracurricular Activities and Fun. Decide what you want, who you want to be, what you want to do, and you can start to focus on those things. Once you do, you can choose the mechanism to accomplish them.
As you start this new year, follow this goal crushing method:

  • Set three goals in each domain of your life.
  • Then narrow them down to 8 goals.
  • Then prioritize those 8 goals from 1 to 8.
  • Focus on accomplishing your top 1 goal this year.
  • When you knock that out, start on your remaining 7 goals.
  • Then once you have completed your top 8, start working on your other goals.
  • Next, choose your top 8 again from the remaining goals.
  • Do your best to accomplish your top 8 goals within 4 months and you’ll crush all 24 of your goals for the year!

If you need support crushing your goals and staying on track, join our Extreme Goal Getters Challenge and find an accountability buddy. You can even invite your own accountability buddy! It’s free to join!! Sign up now and make this year the best year of your life!!!